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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bride in the Bargain - Deeanne Gist

- Romance, historical, Seattle
This is the 3rd Deeanne Gist book I have read. I bow to Deeanne. My opinion? I think she is the 21st century version of Jane Austin. Yea, I think she is that good. If you are looking for a good romance that doesn't have a heaving bosom on the cover, but one that they author can make your heart skip a beat just by describing wrists accidentally touching. Usually set in the 1800's her books bring you back in time where romance was romantic and proper. She also weaves in humor. Most of her stories are about women in awkward circumstances, and the men involved. An arranged marriage, the only woman in the area not a 'saloon dancer', or other crazy things. The characters have depth as well. You can get in their heads and scream out loud when they make the wrong decision. Or weep with joy when they finally figure it out right.
I read my first Gist book (Bride most Begrudging) right after I finished Twilight. Sorry Edward, but you have nothing on Drew. Gist knows how to right about real MEN.
Bride in the Bargain was one of those books you wanted to call in sick to work just to finish. I was strong though I waited till I got home to read, but stayed up way past my bedtime reading. Only problem with these kinds of books is that you get done so fast, then the next couple of days you are in mourning because there is no more to read. Good news is if you haven't read any Deeanne Gist books yet, you have several to keep you occupied.
Bride in the Bargain is the story of a man (who was a real person) in Seattle who offers to go to the East coast and find all the lumberjacks wives. When he gets to the east, he promises all the war widows jobs as nannies, cooks, teachers, etc. and proceeds to bring hundreds of women across the Continent on false pretences. Anna is one of those women, Joe was one of the lumberjacks.


Unknown said...

i love reading about your adventures in books. you help me get to the register with a great book and in a short enough time frame that all the girls are still on some-what good behavior. i think i just found my stocking stuffers. thanks, hope all is well with ya!

Ex Libris said...

i'm glad your enjoying it!! good luck book hunting! so great to hear from you