Devouring food and literature one bite at a time.

The New BoB - where we review Books, Restaurants and share Recipes both Old Favorites and New Discoveries

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fire, Princesses & Bears

So I actually have read quite a few books recently, but some I don't think fit this forum, and others are guilty pleasures :0). Here are a few of the guilty pleasures.
Fire by Kristen Cashore was a companion book to Graceling, which I absolutely loved. But I was mildly disappointed in this submission of the fantasy world Ms. Cashore portrays. In this part of the 'kingdom' there were no gracelings. but instead 'Monsters'. Animals that are vibrant colors also have special powers to make other animals or humans worship them so they can eat them. Fire (stupid name) is the only remaining human monster. She also has the ability to control and read minds. Her father who was a monster used that power for evil, but she is determined to use it as little as possible and only for good.
The Princess of the Midnight Ball - Jessica Day George
This reminded me of Shannon Hale books. JDG takes a fairy tale and brings it to life and gives it a little bit of her own spin. This tale was of the 12 dancing princesses. It followed the oldest princess and also a gardener who had just returned from a war. I really enjoyed it. It was very young but fun.
Sun & Moon, Ice & Snow - Jessica Day George
This one on the other hand was a retelling of a fairy tale I've never heard of. East of the Sun, West of the Moon. I'm guessing its an old Norse tale. She mixed it up with a little bit of Beauty and the beast, and I felt a little 'golden compass' in there as well, but that was just my take. It was a beautiful retelling and I really enjoyed it.

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