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Saturday, September 5, 2009

catching fire

Catching Fire - Susanne Collins (this is book two of the Hunger Games)

young adult, fantasy, post apocalyptic

Here is an artists interpretation of Katniss the main heroine. I dont want to spoil much of what happens, but I will say I liked it just as much as the first one. I was worried she wouln't have anywhere to go after book one, but she did... oh she did. and left HUGE cliff hangers for book three.

1 comment:

Beazer said...

WHAT?! There's a book THREE?! I take it back -- don't send me your book. I don't even want to see it until the next book is due out. I've waited this long for #2 that I don't want to get all caught up in it again just to have to wait and wonder and think about it for another year. Sheesh!